To this extent, the Company strives to comply with all applicable laws and regulations governing our operations. In so doing we conduct our processes and operations in a manner to reduce or eliminate the conditions that could cause injury to or health issues for our employees. Employees are consistently urged to report unsafe conditions in their workplace and work with management to eliminate these conditions where they may exist.
The Company has empowered all employees the right to initiate a work stoppage. This empowerment allows an employee to stop any work or job they feel is unsafe until concerns are addressed and a work safety plan can be applied.

Quality or production goals do not supersede the safety of our employees. The Company’s management accepts responsibility for providing a safe working environment and employees are expected to take responsibility for performing work in accordance with safe standards and practices. This provides for:
The continual commitment to improving safety at our workplace from the top down and the bottom up.
Employee awareness and training concerning safety procedures and issues.
Commitment to visitors, neighbors, and our community to lessen or eliminate any safety-related issues that could impact them.
Within the scope and applicability of our Safety Program, the Company has established a goal to have injury and illness incident rates well below the industry average. To accomplish this goal, we ask each of our employees to commit not only to their safety but the safety of their co-workers and their community as well. Supervisors and all levels of management have this same commitment. Management will strive to continually improve quality and safety by establishing, implementing, and enforcing proper safety standards and best practices at every location.